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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

VIDEO: This actress raised questions on Sushant Singh Rajput's doctor, saying - 'suicide is not murder'

Following the suicide of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, many Bollywood stars are reacting. Many stars are describing his suicide as a victim of nepotism, while there are many who are calling his death a conspiracy. Actor Payal Rohatgi's name is also included in the plot. Payal Rohatgi is very active on social media, she always gives her feedback on Bollywood stars and other issues.

Payal Rohatgi has shared a video of himself on his official Instagram account. In the video, he described the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput as murder rather than suicide. He revealed in his video that the doctor from whom Sushant Singh Rajput was treating his depression, gives the medicine to everyone to remain in depression.

In the video, Payal Rohatgi said, 'From all the news that I am reading about Sushant Singh Rajput, I feel that he did not commit suicide but was murdered. Dibakar Banerjee advised to go to the psychiatrist with whom he was undergoing treatment. I have got my psychiatrist treated as well. He describes all his patients as bipolar disorder.

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Sushant की मौत के बाद बहुत सारे राज़ बाहर आए हैं। उनकी body के pictures viral हुए थे और उनके गले पर जो निशान थे वो strangulation के निशान थे कुछ लोग social media में कह रहे हैं ना कि hanging द्वारा। मुंबई police को सही तरह जाँच करनी चाहिए क्यूँकि उनकी girlfriend #RheaChakravarthy ने कुछ दिन पहले अपनी और sushant की pictures delete कर दी थी social media से। Rhea और Mahesh Bhatt के नज़दिगी वाले photos viral हुए है और Mahesh Bhatt ने कहीं बयान दिया है की Sushant suicide करेगा पहले। यह सब देखकर कुछ तो ग़लत है। sushant की building के CCTV camera बंध थे रात पहले से। उनकी ex manager Disha Salian ने building से छलांग लगाई थी १ हफ़्ते पहले और २ ओर मित्रों ने आत्माहत्या की थी एक महीने पहले। सच तो समय बताएगा परंतु यह लोग कोई षडियंतर का हिस्सा लग रहे हैं। #SonuNigam का भी video बाहर आया है जहां उन्होंने music industry का bully बताया है। #AbhayDeol का बयान आया है #Filmfareawards के ख़िलाफ़ भी। Karan Johar के शो में Parineeti Chopra ने sushant के ख़िलाफ़ बोला था, जो ख़ुद एक भैंस है।ऐसे लोग जो अपना काम कुछ ओर काम करके करते हैं वो लोगों को karan बुलाता है अपने show में और talented actors की बेज़्ज़त्ति करवाता है। Sushant के दोस्तों ने आत्माहत्या की कि उन्हें भी मारा गया ? Sushant ने suicide किया की उन्हें मारा गया ? यह सवालों का जवाब चाहिए 🙏 #payalrohatgi

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Payal Rohatgi further said that I myself had gone to him and his medicines cause people and depression. Not only this, Payal Rohatgi said in the video that Sushant Singh Rajput has not committed suicide by hanging himself but has been strangled. He said that the way Sushant had a scar on his neck, it clearly shows that such a fit person cannot commit suicide. He has been strangled.

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