Kangana Ranaut, an actress known in Bollywood as the name of Controversy Queen, came to Mumbai from a small village in Himachal. He did not even have a God Father in this glamorous world. But Kangana's hard work paid off and she made a strong entry into Bollywood in the 2006 film 'Gangster'. Today Kangana Ranaut has become the first Bollywood actress who can make a film without superstars a superhit. Her strong character in the film Queen made her crazy. Apart from films, Kangana's beauty is also crazy. Often a lot of news about his relation comes up in the media. Let us tell you today the names of those superstars with whom Kangana was sitting in love.
Aditya Pancholi
The name of Aditya Pancholi comes first in the list of Kangana's boyfriend. Actually, when Kangana was making her film career in Mumbai, she fell in love with Aditya Pancholi. Kangana knew that Aditya is 20 years older than him, despite this she started living with him in live-in. But after some time reports started coming that Aditya started beating and beating Kangana. This news was made by Kangar himself when he went to the police and lodged a complaint against Aditya Pancholi.
Adhyayan Suman
Kangana, who is handling a broken heart, again studies Suman (Adhyayan Suman). After the breakup with Aditya, she started shooting for 'Raj 2' (Raaz 2). On the set, he met his studies. The two began to enjoy each other's company. But father Shekhar Suman was unhappy with this relationship. Yes, in an interview he said that he does not like studying and Kangana's relationship at all. A little time between Kangana and the study began to erupt and the two separated. Despite their separation, the debate continued between the two and they said that Kangana had cast a spell on them.
Ajay Devgan
Very few people would know that Kangana has also been in relationship with Bollywood star Ajay Devgan at one time. Yes, the film Once Upon a Time in Mumbai, the pair rocked. The two were often spotted spending time together on the set. According to the news, both of them were quite serious about their relationship. But Ajay knew somewhere that along with Kajol, he has two children. Ajay did not even want to leave Kajol. Kangana was so madly in love with Ajay, that she wanted to cut her hand and commit suicide. By the way, Ajay and Kangana have never said anything about their relationship.
Nicholas Lafferty
Kangana has also been in relationship with the British doctor Nicholas Lafferty. According to the information, Niklos has come to India several times to meet Kangana. Due to a long distance relationship, this relationship also ended soon.
Hrithik Roshan
Kangana's relationship with Bollywood superhero Hrithik Roshan (Hritik Roshan) is not hidden from anyone. It is said that Hrithik Roshan divorced his first wife Sussanne Khan because of Kangana. Kangana overcame her relationship with Hrithik in front of everyone. But this relationship came to a very bad end. The news of their broken relationship started spreading and both started making serious allegations against each other. Even today, both are unable to stop themselves from commenting on each other.
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